Occupational Risk Management for a Sustainable Workplace Using Simulation

Małgorzata Sławińska, Paweł Pawlewski, Izabela Kudelska, Daniel Kańduła


Theoretical background: The article delves into the realm of occupational risk management within the context of supply chain management and enterprise logistics. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring safety and sustainable working conditions in today’s dynamic business environment, where supply chains are becoming increasingly globalized and complex.

Purpose of the article: The primary objective of the article is to introduce a novel approach to occupational risk management that leverages advanced digital technologies and simulations. It aims to address the existing research gap by developing a method that considers dynamic environmental factors and individual worker needs. By analyzing the synergy of various hazards, monitoring employee workload, and employing simulations, the article seeks to enhance the accuracy of occupational risk assessment and facilitate more effective corrective actions.

Research methods: The article employs a mixed-method research approach, drawing upon both theoretical analysis and practical application. It begins with a thorough literature review to establish the theoretical framework and identify research gaps. Subsequently, it discusses the proposed solution – a method for managing occupational risks using simulation – by presenting its theoretical description and implementation process. The research methodology involves the development and application of this method to a selected order picking process, followed by simulation to minimize occupational risks. The authors also utilize software tools to simulate work processes and assess health risks to workers.

Main findings: The main findings of the research suggest that occupational risk assessment using simulation has a significant impact on improving work processes in terms of sustainable workplaces. By introducing elements of labor humanization and redesigning work processes, the study demonstrates a reduction in the sources of occupational risk. The innovative approach to risk assessment, based on recursion across different organizational resources, facilitates the identification of improvement action projects. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of digitalization and Industry 4.0 technologies in monitoring working conditions, identifying risks, and implementing preventive measures. Overall, the research contributes to shaping new standards for safe and sustainable work environments, thereby enhancing both safety and efficiency within organizations.


occupational risk; sustainable workplace; simulation; warehouse work; humanization of work

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/h.2024.58.4.187-203
Date of publication: 2024-10-26 13:52:13
Date of submission: 2024-09-10 21:20:36


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