Public-Private Partnership Market Development in Poland and in the European Union

Joanna Szafran


Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Poland is a young but steadily developing market. Its share in the developed European market is marginal and does not exceed 2% of the closed projects. In the years 2009–2015, public entities in Poland announced 409 proceedings, of which only 1/4 ended with the signing of the contract. Among them, there is a prevalence of small projects, hence the value of the investment may be disproportionate to the costs of preparing the project and its financing. Individual EU countries differ slightly by sectoral structure (industrial structure) of PPP project, and in general the transport projects prevail; then there are educational projects, as well as those related to health care and general public services. In Poland, there is a great diversity of projects, with a predominance of sports and recreational ventures and parking-related ventures. Wherein, there is an increase in the share of contracts in the ICT sector, energy efficiency, waste management and the water and sewage systems. The specificity of the Polish market is connected with its local character, because PPP is used mainly at the municipal level. In the future, you can expect greater interest on the part of local poviats and voivodships, due to limited sources of financing for their needs (e.g. road infrastructure). Greater factual and financial involvement of the public authorities, especially on the national and provincial level, may be linked to the drafting of the blended-projects (hybrid PPPs).


public-private partnership; concession; Polish PPP market; European PPP market

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Date of publication: 2016-09-20 17:44:06
Date of submission: 2016-03-30 22:38:53


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