Fiscalization of Ownership Policy of the Polish State During the Post-Communist Transition

Piotr Kozarzewski


The article is devoted to the evolution of ownership policy of the Polish state in the course of the post-communist transition. The author argues that this policy is characterized by growing fiscalization i.e., treating public property mainly from a short-term fiscal perspective: as a source of finance for the current government’s policies. It manifests itself in resignation from privatization as a strategic tool of economic transition and from state owner’s policy as a tool for overcoming imperfections of market mechanisms. The observed trends pose serious threat both at macro and micro levels, e.g. to the coherence and efficacy of the economic policy of the state and to competitiveness and development prospects of the state-controlled companies. This policy evolution has a long-term character and is to a large extent independent from official rhetoric of subsequent governments and ruling coalitions.


ownership policy; privatization; fiscalism; post-communist transition; Poland

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Date of publication: 2017-12-08 15:26:39
Date of submission: 2017-01-19 17:43:58


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