Antecedents of Consumer-Based Store Brand Equity – Conceptual Model

Przemysław Konrad Łukasik, Bruno Schivinski


The objective of this paper is to present a conceptual model of antecedents of store brand (SB) equity (SBBE) that aims to identify the effects of SB advertising spend, attitudes toward SB advertisements, SB price promotions, and SB non-price promotions on the metrics of SBBE (i.e. SB awareness, SB associations, SB perceived quality, and SB loyalty), overall and with regard to retail format differences across three retail formats. For this purpose an extensive literature review is introduced. This paper provides key directions to brand managers regarding store brand assortment. There is emphasized that the expected outcomes of this research project are not only of great importance to build the academic literature on SBs, but are also of immense value to practitioners and SB managers.


store brands; private label brands; antecedents; brand equity

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Date of publication: 2017-08-16 10:52:21
Date of submission: 2017-03-07 08:52:44


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