The impact of procedural and distributive justice upon organization commitment of age-diversified employees. Research results

Iwona Mendryk


The objective of the paper was to determine the impact of procedural and distributive justice upon organization commitment of age-diversified employees. The objective was achieved in the course of a study encompassing two employees’ age groups: the first, consisting of people aged below 30 (N=555), the second, encompassing those aged above 50 (N=520). Respondents were employed in large and medium Polish companies. Results of the study allow to conclude that regardless of respondents’ age, the change in the perception of organizational justice will exert a positive impact upon organization commitment. The intensity of affective commitment is influenced primarily by procedural justice (in both age groups). Regardless of employees’ age, continuance commitment depends upon the perception of distributive justice.


distributive justice; procedural justice; organization commitment; HRM

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Date of publication: 2017-11-19 20:59:25
Date of submission: 2017-05-29 10:33:07


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