Smartphone as a Tool Supporting a Process of Absorption of Information During Shopping – Empirical Research Among Consumers of Generation Y

Sylwia Badowska, Liwia Delińska


The aim of the paper is to identify selected manners of using the smartphone as a tool supporting absorption of information by young consumers during shopping in stationary shops. To verify the research goal, the survey conducted in 2017 among the consumer group at the age of 20–24 was used. The results suggest that the tested consumers have developed the habit of using a smartphone during a purchase in shops. The device has become a utility tool to absorb commercial information and others’ recommendations, what is changing the decision-making process actively. The results may be used in shaping marketing strategies for the Y generation properly.


information absorption; smartphone; purchasing process; shopping; generation Y

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Date of publication: 2018-07-27 07:47:37
Date of submission: 2017-12-01 14:21:09


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