Model of Building Stakeholder Engagement in the Functioning of the Organization – Trust and Risk

Wioletta Sylwia Wereda


The aim of this study was to present the specific elements of the model of building stakeholder engagement in the operation of a company and identify specific risk groups and proposals that mitigate the negative effects of business risk by building relations with stakeholders, not only on formalized principles defining the principles of cooperation, but above all on building trust in these relationships. The study adopts a synthetic approach to issues and trust in relations with stakeholders, as well as a process of identifiation and analysis of risk in the business operations of UniGlass Sp. z o.o., is presented. The study considers the implementation of the model of building the involvement of diversified stakeholders in business activities who bear the risk at many levels. As part of various forms of cooperation, enterprises are required to search for risk factors that constitute an opportunity or a threat to building relationships or cooperation based on trust with other entities.


stakeholder involvement; trust building; risk, case study; UniGlass Polska Sp. z o.o. (limited liability company, LLC)

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Date of publication: 2019-07-18 10:28:39
Date of submission: 2018-10-08 21:34:05


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