Social Change and Social Institution – Theoretical Perspective

Dobrosław Mańkowski


Sociological theoretical perspectives on concepts such as social change and social institutions require some systematization. Both concepts refer to two different perspectives on social order. The social change includes change, reform, creating new rules, change of social order. It also refers to social movements. It is a social act. On the other hand, the social institution refers to rituals, the reproduction of social order, the maintenance of power and opposition. It seems to be static and ordering the social world. This paper purpose to organize and systematize definitions of social change and social institutions. Moreover, in this paper the author tries to define these conceptions of social change and social institution. On the other side, this paper seeks the answers to the questions: Can these two concepts coexist, affect one another or result in one? Is the use of the concept of institutional change entitled? Is the institutional change a social change?


social change; social institution; theoretical sociology; institutional change

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Date of publication: 2018-11-20 14:05:26
Date of submission: 2017-11-27 18:55:38


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