Prevention of Depression and Suicidal Behavior of Children and Adolescents against the Challenges of Everyday Life

Małgorzata Przybysz-Zaremba


Depression and suicidal behavior of children and adolescents appear nowadays to become an everyday problem. Numerous statistics-fed researches and studies indicate that this problem is currently being considered to take on a global dimension. The complexity and multidimensionality of factors, recognized as potential determinants of depression and suicidal behavior require careful analysis and design, as well as implementation of proper and effective prophylaxis. Based on the scheme developed by Srikala Bharath and Tejas S. Golhar, the article discusses the activities of preventive interventions relating to four levels: mental health promotion, universal prophylaxis, selective prophylaxis, and indicated prophylaxis. Each of these levels of preventive strategies has been provided with proposals for actions, changes and improvements. It constitutes an important material for the development of prevention, intervention and support strategies by various entities in the field of depression and suicidal behavior of children and adolescents. At the end, original conclusions for pedagogical practice were presented.


prevention; depression; suicidal behavior; children; adolescents

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Date of publication: 2021-04-27 15:38:05
Date of submission: 2019-11-18 20:50:17


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