Development of Personal Resources of Pedagogical Students Using the Design Thinking Method

Iryna Durkalevych


The aim of the article is to examine the issue of personal resources of young adults and effective methods of developing these resources in educational conditions, i.a. using the design thinking method. Currently, personal resources are discussed in the context of health psychology as factors conducive to the adaptation of an individual to new conditions, especially in stressful situations, as well as preventing professional burnout. The specific issues are particularly important in relation to the education of students who are preparing to work in teaching professions, and should also be of interest to university teachers. The results of contemporary research show that the personal resources of young adults in teaching and helping professions are low. Researchers indicate the need to create programs that foster the strengthening and development of personal resources, which are key factors in the professional success of young adults. An important solution in this direction is the design thinking method, which is one of the most interesting contemporary solutions in teaching and learning. The article describes how personal resources, such as curiosity, knowledge, empathy and social support, can be developed using the design thinking method.


personal resources; design thinking; young adults; students

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Date of publication: 2022-12-19 09:09:33
Date of submission: 2021-12-31 00:02:08


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