The Self-Study of University Students under the COVID-19 Pandemic

Natalya Bidyuk


The article discusses the problem of self-study as an effective form of online education during the pandemic. There has been conducted a conceptual analysis of the essence and content of self-study. Based on the content analysis, the self-study is considered as a personally and professionally significant self-educational activity, which determines the development of self organized, self-managed and self-created professional personality. The main emphasis is focused on creating the university online learning environment for effective and successful implementation of students’ self-educational activity. The findings from the survey clarify the advantages of e-learning tools in organizing self-study. It is proved that using e-learning tools in self-study is the best way to improve higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. There have been highlighted the results of the survey of using distance learning and e-learning tools in university students’ self-study. The most popular and effective e-learning tools for self-study under the COVID-19 pandemic are described, and the criteria for the development of students’ self-learning skills are determined. The main idea of research is improving the university students’ self education process by using effective e-learning tools and preparing students to be self-organized, self-directed, self-managed, autonomous and independent in their learning to achieve high academic outcomes and professional skills.


self-study; COVID-19 pandemic; e-learning tools; higher education; online education

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Date of publication: 2022-04-29 12:29:50
Date of submission: 2022-02-18 09:48:36


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