Structure of the Concept of “Hope” and Its Differentiation

Barbara Gawda


This study attempts to show the structure of the concept of “hope” basing on the technique affective verbal fluency. Literature presents many theories of hope. Hope is defined as a motivational-cognitive construct, personality trait, and as prospective emotion. The newest conception by A.M. Krafft proposes the holistic view of hope which is rooted in values system and personality. In order to describe the cognitive structure of the concept of hope affective verbal fluency technique was used. A sample of 136 adult participants from the general population was investigated. The linguistic material was analyzed in terms of qualitative and quantitative aspects. The crucial was to identify semantic clusters. Then, the hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted which revealed two main components of the concept of hope, affective and cognitive. Next, the cluster analysis k-means method was used which showed the differentiation of hope concepts in different people/profiles of hope concept. Results indicate that affective verbal fluency technique is useful in the description of the structure of hope concept and the differentiation of this concept. The results basing on language showed lay-concept of hope which is consistent with scientific views of hope. The analysis of linguistic material allows describing differentiation of how lay people perceive hope.


hope; cognitive structure; emotional concepts; affective verbal fluency; linguistic representation

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Date of publication: 2019-04-26 10:22:36
Date of submission: 2018-07-26 09:27:34


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