Antisocial Behaviour and Aggression Among Maladjusted Adolescents Who Do Not Show Behavioural Deficits

Sławomir Sobczak, Tamara Zacharuk


The aim of the research was to determine differences due to adjustment, gender and dependencies between antisocial behaviours and aggression. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 adolescents who were maladjusted and did not show deficits in social functioning. Two research tools were used for the analysis: Self-Report Delinquency Scale and the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, translated into Polish. Research has shown that the level of adolescents’ social adaptation affects both anti-social behaviour and aggression, which means that social maladjustment is characterised both by a high frequency of antisocial behaviour and high degree of aggression. These phenomena occur irrespective of gender – both young women and men who are socially maladjusted are characterised by the same spectrum of derailment and aggression, i.e. gender does not affect the symptoms of maladjustment that were studied. The analyses show that the higher degree of aggression manifested by adolescents, the more intensified anti-social behaviour is. On the basis of curve estimation, it can be stated that regardless of the degree of aggression, adolescents may display antisocial behaviour and aggression syndrome will only increase the antisocial behaviour rate in 40% of cases, while the remaining 60% of the adolescent social derailment can be explained by factors other than aggression.


maladjustment; anti-social behaviour; aggression; adolescents

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Date of publication: 2021-01-25 12:17:32
Date of submission: 2019-06-10 17:10:53


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