The Gulf Cooperation Council – regional integration mechanism

Bartosz Bojarczyk

Streszczenie w języku polskim

Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim

Słowa kluczowe

Persian Gulf; the Gulf Cooperation Council; securit; integration; sheikdoms

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The GCC: Process and Achievements 2009. The GCC Secretariat, Information Center, 4th edition, (access 08.01.2013).

Books and articles:

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Bronner, E., Slackman, M, 2011. Saudi Troops Enter Bahrain to Help Put Down Unrest, “New York Times”, 14.03.2011,, (access 16.03.2011).

Ehteshami, A. 1992. Wheels within Wheels: Iran’s Policy Towards the Arab World, [in:] Reconstruction

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Freeman, Jr. Ch. W. 2006. The GCC at 25: A Tour D’Horizon, “Middle East Policy” vol. XIII, no. 4.

Hooglund, E. 2001. Iran and the Persian Gulf, [in:] Iran at the Crossroads, J. L. Esposito, R. K. Ramazani (ed.), Palgrave, New York.

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Data publikacji: 2013-03-04 00:00:00
Data złożenia artykułu: 2015-07-18 04:35:51


Widoczność abstraktów - 681
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