The role of the Community of Sant’Egidio in the peace process in Central African Republic

Michał Jerzy Nadziak


The paper attempts to answer a question about the role, actions and tasks of faith-based organizations (FBO) in modern armed conflicts. To understand the main research problem, a case study of the Community of Sant’Egidio’s (CSE) intervention in the Central African Republic (CAR ) conflict of 2013–2019 will be analysed. Its actions are going to be confronted with a mainstream peace process and the concept of tracks of diplomacy will be used as a framework of analysis. The structure of the article will include the introduction, a brief description of CSE as an FBO, the situational context of the conflict in the CAR , the analysis of the intervention of CSE in the CAR , and the conclusions. Conclusions from the research indicate that the multifaceted and effective actions of the FBOs in armed conflicts are taking place. Those conclusions are going to be an entry point for in-depth research on FBOs’ status in relations with other peace processes actors.


faith-based organizations, religious diplomacy, armed conflicts, peace processes, Community of Sant’Egidio, Central African Republic

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Date of publication: 2022-09-13 11:18:43
Date of submission: 2021-11-06 17:00:33


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