Rational choice theory in light of biopolitics

Jakub Chustecki


Both rational choice theory and biopolitics are extremely important paradigms in the social sciences - including political science. It would seem that their basic axioms contradict each other because the influence of biopolitical power microstructures excludes sovereign and autonomous decision-making processes. Thus, the paper adopts the hypothesis that the assumptions of biopolitics falsify the basic axioms of rational choice theory, and therefore we can consider it as the antithesis of rational choice theory. In order to verify the hypothesis, the method of content analysis was applied - with particular emphasis on studies concerning both paradigms and primary sources supported by elements of comparative studies. 

On the basis of the analyses carried out, it was proved that the assumptions of both paradigms do not have to contradict each other - they may even be complementary. Human actions based on the principle of rationality and self-interest can be justified by the actions of biopolitics, and therefore the hypothesis has been falsified.


Rational choice theory; Modern biopolitics; Methodology; Paradigms; Postmodern biopolitics

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/k.2023.30.1.7-16
Date of publication: 2023-10-25 10:06:58
Date of submission: 2023-02-11 16:48:58


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