Network Structures of the European Greens

Wojciech Ziętara


Abstract: Referring to scientific research of Donatella Della Porta, Mario Diani and Manuel Castells, concerning network structures of social movements, the author of this article tried to transfer the above deliberations to a level of political movements. It was fully justified because in the article the author refers to assumption made by Edward Olszewski that each political movements is a social movement. T herefore, a network structure of the modern Greens was presented in the article. The analysis of membership of the following: the European Green Party, the Green Group in the European Parliament, the Federation of Young European Greens and the Green European Foundation was made. The aforementioned organizations create a comprehensive network structure in which particular nodes are strengthened through networks overlapping. Although a network structure of Greens is one of the biggest European political movements, it does not translate into a social support. The European Greens get little election support not exceeding 15 per cent.


Green political movement, network social analysis, network structures, political movement, social movement

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Date of publication: 2018-06-15 10:33:42
Date of submission: 2016-01-09 21:38:51


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