Property which cannot be disposed of or the sphere of privacy or freedom of expression? Authorship of a work in the light of the protection of human rights

Kinga Machowicz


Unlike the author’s economic rights, the authorship of a work as well as other moral rights should not necessarily be classified as a kind of intellectual property. If literature presents the problems of copyright as an element of intellectual property, this is done in reference to economic rights. The issues connected with moral rights appear then as the background condition for economic rights to arise. However, according to the will of the legislator, the nature of these rights was formed in a different way. While economic rights are a kind of intellectual property, the authorship of a work should rather be viewed as a phenomenon at the intersection of the right to privacy (particularly at the stage of an already established but not yet completed work) and the right to freedom of expression (from the moment of the exercise of other moral rights and the moment of taking a decision to make a work public under the author’s own name). The right to withhold authorship cannot be interpreted as the right to change the author by agreement of the interested parties.


freedom of expression; privacy; author’s moral and economic rights

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Date of publication: 2016-04-18 13:29:49
Date of submission: 2016-04-18 13:00:17


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