The enemy in the communist political system – example of the Polish People’s Republic 1956–1989

Krystyna Trembicka


Category of enemy presented in the program documents of the communist parties, was an inherent feature of the communist way of thinking, then reflected in the political system of the People’s Poland. Political regimes modeled on the Soviet Union needed enemies. Mobilization, which in the first phase of development of the state served reconstruction of the country, and then defend the status quo, required activation against all kinds of enemies. It was evident the need for the existence of the enemy, which was permanent. Changed only the image of the enemy. Enemies were sought inside and outside the communist movement. Communist world was composed mainly of enemies. The enemy was necessary, even mythical. Fight against real or mythical enemies allowed to pursue various goals: differentiate society, to explain various failures, eliminate inconvenient persons, to justify the existence of the security services and the need to strengthen it, to build a party of a new type. The communist movement had created two categories of enemies. The first included the kind of traditional, “class” enemies of the communist movement, “acquired” along with the state in 1944, and treated as a real enemies, which were various types of: 1) social groups as a “capitalist elements” – traders, farmers; 2) political and military organizations and institutions; 3) ideologies and doctrines competitive with Marxism. The U.S. and English imperialism was the constant enemy which was located outside of the state. The second category consisted of enemies which were created in Polish People’s Republic – “objective” and “potential” enemies.

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Date of publication: 2015-05-21 17:26:31
Date of submission: 2015-05-21 14:22:56


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