Through the Lenses of Italy’s Euroscepticism or a Tale for the Future of the European integration project

Victoria Vdovychenko


The relationship between the European Union (EU) and its member-states have been characterized by a number of significant changes when Eurosceptic influence received bountiful grounds for the number of countries, founding members of the European Union. This article will try to analyze the Eurosceptic developments in Italy. The unpredictable results waving to the anti-establishment political elites coming to power demonstrate that the shifts in ‘national lenses’. By analyzing the wide-range levels of Euroscepticism, the article will try to reveal how multi-faceted concept of Euroscepticism casts shades on the European integration project. 


Euroscepticism, Italy, Italian Republic, EU, European Union, European integration

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Date of publication: 2019-02-05 10:53:52
Date of submission: 2018-07-30 20:12:27


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