3D Printing as a Disruptive Technology in International System

Tomasz Gajewski


Rapid technological development increasingly defines activities of individuals, societies and nation states. Its pace is high, and it causes problems in social absorption of its already visible effects as well as anxiety about their influence in the future. 3D printing technology is one of the significant manifestations of technological development. The purpose of the paper is to outline its possible effect on international system in the future. The analysis starts with a short introduction, supplemented by an overview of Polish and international literature, concerning 3D printing technology. Then, the author outlines a methodology and formulates hypotheses and research questions. This section is followed by the conceptual framework with crucial categories and their definitions. In the next section, the author verifies the hypotheses and presents possible economic consequences of 3D printing development and its influence on the structure of international conflicts, which creates a picture of the probable impact on the international system as a whole.


3D printing, international system, disruptive technology, international forecasting, global economy, international security

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/k.2020.27.1.43-64
Date of publication: 2020-06-30 13:52:48
Date of submission: 2019-02-23 12:43:26


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