The religious factor in the US midterms 2018

Marcin Pomarański


The aim of the paper is to analyze the influence of the religious factor on the course and outcome of the elections to the United States Congress, held on June 6, 2018. An attempt to capture the specifics of this vote will take place on the basis of analytical methods, including a detailed analysis of political factors, which resulted into such and not other support of American religious groups for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. In particular, the author will try to answer the question whether the elections have been confirmed by reports on recent months of falling support for the GOP among religious US citizens. This work will not only allow us to verify or falsify our research hypothesis, but also determine the main determinants of such conjuncture. In particular, the article will focus on the political image of President Donald Trump and his popularity (as well as unpopularity) among religious supporters of both political parties as one of the key factors explaining the distribution of votes in the last Congressional elections.


religion and politics in USA, US midterms 2018, president Donald Trump

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Date of publication: 2019-06-30 21:44:01
Date of submission: 2019-02-27 22:32:40


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