Agorists and Natural Elite. Two Leadership Concepts for Libertarian Change

Marcin Chmielowski


The article aims to describe two dissimilar concepts within anarcho-capitalism - a separate type of libertarianism postulating the privatization of all public property. These two are anarcho-conservatism and agorism. In this paper, each is presented based on the writings of theirfounding fathers - Edward Konkin III (agorism) and Hans-Hermann Hoppe (anarcho-conservatism). Both Konkin and Hoppe begun with similar premises, and both have studied under the economist and philosopher Murray N. Rothbard, but they propose different visions of libertarian order. Agorism espouses egalitarianism and permissivism, while anarcho-conservatism is hierarchical, anti-egalitarian and socially conservative. The agents of both these notions that would lead the process of their implementation are also described differently. An agorist is meant to be an entrepreneur active on the black or grey market, whereas Hoppe's leader is a member of the natural elite that shows his community the way through the recognition of natural law and unmasking of the state as the enemy. This interesting dichotomy could allow one toformulate the thesis that there exists both "left-wing" and "right-wing" libertarianism. This would constitute another division with which to classify these two types of one radically liberal approach to social reality.


agorism; anarcho-capitalism; anarcho-conservatism; libertarianism

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Date of publication: 2020-11-16 17:54:36
Date of submission: 2020-11-15 22:38:43


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