The Institutional Church in Poland in The Perceptions and Evaluations of High School and University Students: From Acceptance to Contestation

Józef Baniak


In this article, I present the results of my sociological research related to the attitudes of high school and university students towards institutional religion and the Church in Poland. The research was also focused on the role of the Church in religiosity and morality of the people. The studies were conducted in the years 2008 - 2011 among high school students in Kalisz (456) and students of the College of Communications and Management in Poznan (426). The method of research involved the use of an audit questionnaire, as well as the technique of “free interview” among 58 selected respondents (divided into two groups of 29 members). On the basis of the research results I present the perceptions and evaluations of the institutional Church by high school and university students, locating them within the paradigm of “acceptance to contestation.” The important aspects is the contestation of respondents towards the institutional Church – its religious and moral doctrines and certain actions of secular nature – observed in respondents’ opposition, resistance and rebellious attitudes. The article touches upon the following problems: the essence of the Church from the perspective of the respondents; fear of the Church and its related rites; trust and distrust of the respondents to the Church and its structures; social and political activity of the Church; the influence of the Church on the secular spheres of life and social development of a nation; authority of the Church in the society and the state; religious awareness of high school students. With this analysis, the following hypotheses are being verified: the relationships between demographic characteristics of respondents to their perception of the Church; the relationship between beliefs and practices of respondents to their perception of the Church; the relationship of faith and religious practices of the respondents to the levels of their awareness of the Church.


religion; religiosity; religious practices; the Institutional Church; institutional awareness of the Church; ideas; evaluations; high school students; university students

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Date of publication: 2020-11-19 19:32:22
Date of submission: 2020-11-19 18:18:47


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