A Deficit of Will in Depressive States. Changes in Motivation After Traumatic Stress

Jolanta Kociuba


The aim of the article is to show that the ways depressive reactions to a traumatic situation are arranged in patterns of behaviour/symptoms, concerning not only the emotional and cognitive sphere, but also the motivational sphere. The article will present the results of the examination of the mental state of people who experienced trauma due to the loss of a loved one as a result of a traffic accident and claimed compensation for the harm suffered through civil court proceedings. In our own research, the method of psychological diagnostic interview was used - in-depth and structured in order to obtain data for qualitative analysis of the content of the statements of the subjects. The aim of the research was not a strict verification of the research hypotheses, but a psychological assessment of the mental condition of the subjects after a traumatic biographical event. On the basis of the obtained empirical material, aspects of changes in motivation were distinguished, which were divided into four areas: 1) Reduction of energy and life vitality; 2) Lack of motivation to perform daily duties and activities; 3) Loss of plans for the future and reduction of life aspirations; 4) Lack of motivation to establish social contacts. Changes in motivation as a result of a depressive attitude appear here as a consequence of experiencing a situation of loss, i.e. a social stressor, which was the death of a loved one. 


depressive posture; traumatic stress; changes in motivation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/ks.2020.8.2.234-245
Date of publication: 2021-05-18 13:49:33
Date of submission: 2021-05-18 13:18:22


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