Mix up the Culture: Creative Transformation of Cultural and Pop-Cultural Context on the YouTube Platform

Bartosz Pietrzyk

Streszczenie w języku polskim

In the era of participation culture and sharing, the most important value is communication. Every aspect of information and idea exchange is valuable, but there is one type of communication that is precious above all of the others. Taking into consideration all the aspects of the culture of participation such as: creativity, innovation, being up-to-date with pop culture trends, we can say that essential for this type of culture sharing is the idea of new content, created in the process of transforming available culture creations (mashup/remix). In other words, it is based on creating something new with new meaning and new context, using the resources of pop and mass culture.  One of the possible channels of distribution for this new content is a YouTube platform. This communication medium is part of Google inc. and as a web page is representing Web 2.0 idea. This research is focused on the content published by YouTube users (youtubers, vloggers) that was creatively designed (remixed) in correlation to well know pop-culture publications. This research will try to estimate the importance of content mixing via YouTube platform and answer the following questions: What message is this kind of content sharing sending? What types of vlog formats are the most popular at the moment? How does a creative transformation of cultural and pop-cultural context work? Is there something like a community between the youtubers?

Słowa kluczowe

communication; participation; content; YouTube; community; remix

Pełny tekst:



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Data publikacji: 2020-11-01 13:24:22
Data złożenia artykułu: 2020-11-01 13:01:22


Widoczność abstraktów - 436
Pobrania artykułów (od 2020-06-17) - PDF - 165


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Prawa autorskie (c) 2020 Bartosz Pietrzyk

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