Searching for a metaphor of the Anthropocene. Reinterpretation of the Oedipus myth

Ewa Lech


Anthropocene – the epoch of man, a slogan that evokes awareness of the impending ecological catastrophe. Man’s attitude to nature has nowadays become a major problem and its solution or not will determine the further existence of the human species. As humanity, we believe to possess inexhaustible scientific and technical might and potential to run the Earth. Yet today an urgent need has arisen to reverse our present activities designed primarily to boost frenetic economic growth. Prompt action is needed to protect the Earth’s climate. Our mentality needs to be changed. However, the looming ecological threat has not yet evoked large enough concern among men, otherwise so highly expert in many fields nor overcome our inertness and denialism. Hence the need for a metaphor that would inspire change of knowledge and values to help counteract the climate crisis more efficiently. I believe that the story and myth of Oedipus as told by Sophocles is a sufficiently well-known and a motivating one and applicable to the Anthropocene. Reinterpreting the myth, I refer to Paul Ricoeur’s expressed need to grasp and understand the essence of the tragic. I follow C. Levi-Strauss’s thinking in his exploration of mankind’s universal principles of thinking and experience in the myth. I share Michel Foucalt's contention regarding the excess of Oedipus’s power and knowledge. I reverse the attention from events in Thebes to these in Kolonos. The path of Oedipus’ life illustrates the transformation he had undergone having gained new knowledge needed to regain power and to overcome the sense of being a victim of his own actions. I also suggest that the taboo of patricide and incest be not perceived as a proscription but as an advice and also a way of degrading and transforming the “Ego” into “Eco”, that is egocentrism into ecocentrism. In Kolonos, the spiritual strength and the extra knowledge gained by Oedipus ensured protection and security to Athenians. The proposed metaphor of the “Anthropocene” could help to revivify the “sense of tragedy” leading consequently to metanoia, a change of people’s minds, new strength and inspiration to act.


anthropocene; myth; transformation; knowledge; power; egocentrism; ecocentrism

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Date of publication: 2021-08-30 02:28:24
Date of submission: 2021-05-30 23:06:42


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