Husserl’s Understanding of Crisis and the Transcendental Phenomenology

Agnieszka Wesołowska


Phenomenology as a science on transcendental subjectivity has been established through the critical consideration of the idea of cognition. The interpretation of crisis presented in the article is a result of analyses concerning the theoretical and practical-ethical motives in Husserl’s philosophy. From this point of view, phenomenology can be understood as a science striving to consolidate cognition and reveal findings that are relevant to one’s life. In the article we will show that the idea of phenomenology evolves in connection with considerations outlining a horizon of classic philosophical problems: epistemologic, metaphysical and ethical.


phenomenology, crisis of science, transcendental reduction, cognition

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Date of publication: 2015-08-07 11:48:22
Date of submission: 2015-08-07 10:47:54


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