Use of VR Technology in Research on Migrants

Volha Saroka


In recent years, the issue of migration has become increasingly significant. Migration, whether voluntary or forced, can have a positive or a negative impact on an individual's well-being. One of the tools that can aid in adapting to a new situation is virtual reality (VR). This article presents a pilot study on migrants, in which VR technology was used in conjunction with art therapy. A phenomenological approach to conducting art therapy was applied during a series of four sessions. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to analyse the results. The findings indicate that virtual space has great potential to create an environment for self-discovery, and it can also be a good field for research on embodied cognition.


VR technology; migration; virtual reality; home; art therapy; embodied cognition

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Date of publication: 2024-07-31 22:58:00
Date of submission: 2024-03-23 13:33:43


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