The Individual and the Community – A Study of Two Cases

Andrzej Ostrowski


The aim of the article is to discuss the problem of relationship between the individual and the community. The context of the analysis is provided by two models of the organization of social life, which were proposed by Vladimir S. Solovyov and Lev I. Shestov. The first of these models is typified by the escape from the community to the self. The second model is characterised by the escape from the self to the community. In the interpretive approach the two models are understood as a consequence of finding the truth. The discussion is based on the interpretive assumption that while gaining knowledge, both Shestov and Solovyov discovered the same truth – “the essence of the particular and the individual”.


Ethics, individual, community, duty, lies

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Date of publication: 2015-10-02 13:13:39
Date of submission: 2015-10-02 12:40:41


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