Marquis de Sade’s anti-Decalogue, or the Relationship between Postmodernisation and Dechristianisation of the Western Culture

Markus Lipowicz


The aim of the present article is an interpretation of the works of Marquise de Sade from a philosophical and sociological point of view. The text also poses a polemic with the interpretations of Sade’s work, which are generally acclaimed in Poland. Introducing the Marquis as a proto-postmodernist, I will try to indicate that the he effectively managed to express the authentic tendencies of the contemporary Western culture. Trying to face the final consequences of the departure from the Christian traditions and principles of social integration, Sade believed that the departure from metaphysical ideas should limit the human life to its sensual dimension. Likewise, the contemporary expansion of pornography and the mass culture based on erotic content builds a virtual world of lust and a persisting game of human sensuality. The philosophical foundation of this development constitutes the work of de Sade. In conclusion, the contemporary postmodern Western culture creates a social reality in which human intentionally allows her/his senses to dominate ideas – and not vice versa.


Marquis de Sade; modernity; postmodernity; Christianity; dechristianisation; nature; values; drives; erotic; culture; virtual world

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Date of publication: 2015-04-20 21:47:32
Date of submission: 2015-04-20 17:10:17


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