Polanyi and Deleuze on Creativity of the Subject of Cognition

Anastasiia Cheiz


A comparative conceptualization is presented of M. Polanyi’s theory of implicit knowledge and G. Delezue’s metaphilosophical conception. The main comparative criterion of the two entails understanding the creativity of the subject of cognition. In Polanyi’s case that turns out to be the subject of scientific activity and in Deleuze’s case – the subject of philosophying. Polanyi explains the process of cognition and articulation of its results using concepts such as “implicit knowledge” and “personal decision”. He attempts to overcome the subjectivistic character of these concepts by introducing accommodating concepts and premises. In contrast, Deleuze concentrates on studying the terms of creating philosophical concepts which exist autonomously in conceptual forms yet continuously refer to their deviser. In both instances the purpose of cognitional creativity depends on the aspiration to overcome a problem situation, which emerges in heuristic emotions and the solution of which depends on personal skills and inclinations.


subject; implicit knowledge; creativity; reinterpretation of language

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/kw.2017.23.85
Date of publication: 2018-07-15 01:58:26
Date of submission: 2017-11-20 16:29:43


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