Pure concepts of understanding and transcendental unity of apperception as sources of He-gel’s dialectic

Maciej Wodziński


Analyzed  is the impact  that Kant’s table of pure concepts of understanding and the relations between its specific categories had on Hegel’s dialectics concept. The author observes that concepts which appear in the first part of Science of Logic such as Beginning, Unity of Multiplicity, Mediation or  Being are based on Kant’s categories such as Totality, Relation or Quality. Also based on Kant’s categories, but  those from the modality group, Hegel creates his dialectics of what is necessary by combining that which is accidental ( yet possible, in Kant’s case) with that which is existing. Aside from a precise analysis of the “heritage” of these references, the author notes that concepts such as transcendental unity of apperception, intuitive intellect, the idea of soul immortality and the overall domination of practical reason over the theoretical  one (taken by Fichte and Schelling from Kant), became the foundation of Hegel’s concept of Absolute in the shape that we know it now.


pure concepts of understanding; transcendental unity of apperception; Hegel’s critique of Kant; intellectual intuition

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/kw.2018.26.135-158
Date of publication: 2019-01-22 00:30:39
Date of submission: 2018-01-04 17:24:27


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