Culture-related tools of moral evil – cognitive-evolutionary approach

Stefan Florek, Przemysław Piotrowski


The article shows that some theories of moral evil, formulated in different theoretical approaches, are complementary and can be integrated. It also indicates the explanatory value of the analysis of moral evil in the context of the phenomenon of the – so called – evolutionary lag and the specificity of the two systems of moral cognition: intuitive and reasoning one. The synthetic juxtaposition of the theories of different provenience provides additional support for theses that have been – more or less directly – formulated within their frameworks. The most important of these are the following claims (1) there is a tendency to gain resources at the expense of individuals considered (and labelled) as “strangers” (2) the use of cultural tools weakens the natural mechanisms of blocking aggression (2) ideologies or specific language practices facilitate violence against strangers. The article points out also possible solutions to the described problems related to evolutionary lag.


evil; morality; cognitive science; evolution; psychology

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Date of publication: 2018-07-31 21:30:06
Date of submission: 2018-05-13 15:33:41


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