Psychological decisions to take up jobs below one’s skills in the context of values

Ewelina Helena Okoniewska


The study was designed to find out what  values are determining people’s decisions to enter a recruitment process for jobs which they are unqualified for and which are below their skills level. 302 candidates in groups of job seekers aged 18 to 45 years  were surveyed in eleven cities throughout Poland. They filled out a questionnaire stating their personal particulars and giving a description of their work experience acquired in their previous three jobs. Schwartz’s Portrait Value Questionnaire PVQ-R2 was also used for the research purpose. The study results offer solid reference material for those involved in job recruitment and human resources policies.


values; decisions; work below skill level; Schwartz’s Portrait Value Questionnaire PVQ-R2

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Date of publication: 2019-07-30 20:19:17
Date of submission: 2019-02-15 12:40:39


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