Free Internet, Free Culture

Jacek Gurczyński


This paper discusses the problem of intellectual property and copyright in the times of the development of digital-age technologies. The article points out the differences between possessing material goods and intellectual property. The question arises if the latter can be called “a property” at all. Subsequently, the author explains why copying and downloading content from the Internet cannot be simply defined as stealing. The author also points out that obtaining and holding copyright has recently become too restrictive and obsolete. As a conclusion, the need for thorough public debate concerning the very fundamental problem - the defintion of “intellectual property” is highlighted. Other long-term recommendations include in-depth reforms of the present copyright system so that it is more fine-tuned to the reality dominated by the rapidly developing digital technologies.


M. Castells, L. Lessig; Internet; free culture; intellectual property; copyright

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Date of publication: 2015-07-07 01:14:30
Date of submission: 2015-07-05 16:58:27


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