"Wir alle" and "fremdsprachige Kinder". Social inclusion and exclusion in metapragmatic discourses

Bettina M. Bock


The paper investigates and compares two metapragmatic discourses with regard to the inclusion or exclusion of social groups: the discourses on multilingualism and on Easy-to-read German. By discourse linguistic means it analyses linguistic constructions of opposition regarding the two linguistic phenomena and the social groups that are being connected to them. While the discourse on multilingualism shows a tendency towards the distinction of social groups, the discourse on Easy-to-read shows a tendency to constructions of social inclusion.


metapragmatic discourse; Easy-to-read German; multilingualism; social inclusion; social exclusion

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lsmll.2021.45.2.147-159
Date of publication: 2021-07-06 12:55:27
Date of submission: 2020-11-18 21:05:51


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