Translation as Transcultural Communication with Regard to the Third Culture Elements

Michał Gąska


The present article discusses the translation of third culture elements, regarding the translation process as transcultural communication. Based on selected examples from works of two Dutch writers – Hella S. Haasse and Madelon Székely-Lulofs and their translations into German, the author attempts to illustrate how crucial transcultural competence is while dealing with the third culture elements in translation. The paper aims to show that by exploiting the transcultural competence, acting strategically, and taking into account the translation addressee’s cognitive predispositions along with linguistic and cultural awareness, the translator is able to ensure an effective communication.


translation; transcultural communication; translator’s competence; third culture elements

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Date of publication: 2022-06-30 21:55:42
Date of submission: 2022-03-31 22:26:54


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