La realtà virtuale e l’immagine linguistica del mondo

Aleksandra Paliczuk


This paper is an attempt to describe the influence of digitization of the contemporary world on the language by analyzing some metaphors of the Internet. It refers to various theories concerning the ways of perceiving and understanding the world, and its linguistic interpretation. It enumerates some cognitive processes and as consequence conceptual constructs, such as e.g. category, frame, metaphor, imaginative schemes such as figure-ground structure, radial structures, relational structures, mental spaces, and arrives to the experience, the conceptualization and definition of meaning as not only the conceptual content, but also as one of the ways to build that content. It also mentions the notion of linguistic image of the world with respect to the virtual reality and all the social and linguistic changes that result from it.


Linguistic image of the world; cognitive abilities; conceptualization; metaphor; virtual reality


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Date of publication: 2016-03-31 09:33:47
Date of submission: 2016-03-30 12:09:14


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