Water as scar tissue: The “Saumon noir” odyssey by Serge Delaive

Alicja Ślusarska


Water is one of the obsessive themes in Serge Delaive's literary and photographic work. As an image of the in-between, the Delaive’s water symbolizes the fundamental ambivalence of man. It also plays the role of "scar tissue", capable of "stitching" the links of connaturality, removing the boundaries between rootedness and openness, between real and beyond, between past and future, between individual and community, between history and myth, between word and image. Our study aims to analyze this unifying function of water, focusing on three key notions of the story Black salmon (2017): movement, memory and identity.


water; movement; memory; identity; intertextuality


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lsmll.2018.42.3.190
Date of publication: 2018-10-05 14:27:44
Date of submission: 2018-02-27 22:29:26


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