Subjectivity in (Re)Translation: The Case of Oscar Wilde’s Tales in Romanian

Daniela Hăisan


Based on a corpus of nine tales by Oscar Wilde (making up the two well-known volumes: The Happy Prince and Other Stories, 1888, and A House of Pomegranates, 1891), along with nine Romanian versions of these texts, the present article aims at reflecting on the linguo-semantic expression of emotion (with a focus on subjective adjectives like little, big, poor etc.), as well as making an inventory of the compensation strategies used by translators, taking into account the fact that most Romanian versions are addressed to children, and also that translation criticism, just like translating itself, is a matter of instinct, taste, affinity, finally emotion.


retranslation; subjectivity; children's literature; compensation; Oscar Wilde

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Date of publication: 2020-05-01 01:07:09
Date of submission: 2019-10-01 18:52:08


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