Translating conversational humour. The case study of House M.D.

Ewa Żmudzin-Zielińska


Translating humour has traditionally been considered to be a problematic area for translators. This topic becomes even thornier when examined in the context of audiovisual translation, mainly because of the technical constraints imposed by this type of translation. This article presents the results of an analysis which was focused on the material from the TV series House M.D. and compared the source text in English with the Spanish dubbed version and Polish voice-over version. The article presents the identified strategies of translating conversational humour in audiovisual context. Its main objective was not to demonstrate superiority of the applied audiovisual mode over the other one but to expose the differences between two target versions.


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Date of publication: 2015-05-20 17:37:12
Date of submission: 2015-04-22 01:52:51


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