Zwischen dem maschinellen und studentischen Übersetzen: rote Fahnen und relevante lexikalisch-grammatische Spezifika

Andrew Richard Burns Innes


Der Band enthält die Abstracts ausschließlich in englischer Sprache.


SFL, machine translation, detection, student essays.


PDF (English)


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Gibbons, P. (2008). “It was taught good and I learned a lot”: Intellectual practices and ESL learners in the middle years. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 31(2), 155–173.

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Sugiyama, S. (2019). All aboard the Sakai Muscle Line? Osaka Metro axes foreign language website after botched translation. From Japan. Retrieved February 10, 2019, from (2019). SurveyMonkey - Free online survey software and questionnaire tool. Retrieved April 15, 2019, from What is Translation Plagiarism and How do You Detect it? Retrieved March 13, 2019 from

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Van Praag, B., & Sanchez, H.S. (2015). Mobile technology in second language classrooms: Insights into its uses, pedagogical implications, and teacher beliefs. ReCALL, 27(3), 288-303. DOI: 10.2017/S0958344015000075.

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Wu, Y., Schuster, M., Chen, Z., Le, Q., & Norouzi, M. (2016). Google’s Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation. Retrieved March 18, 2019, from

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Date of publication: 2019-12-30 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2019-05-14 11:55:12


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