The Moroccan Popular Tale and the Diverted Tale, a Continuity and a Rupture

Farah Abdelali, Nadia Ouachene


The Moroccan folk tale has been rewritten in socio-cultural contexts different from that in which it was born, including twisted versions, produced in scenes of migration. In this article, we will analyse the tale Moummou et l’ogresse which was published in France and which is a revisited reproduction of the popular Moroccan tale tāǧr ūlġūlā [The merchant and the ogress]. We show that in this story the author is not only conveying the traits of her native culture but also those of the host country, as she is committed to substituting the values of modern society for those of traditional society. 


storytelling; culture; intercultural; modern society; traditional society


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Date of publication: 2022-05-06 15:58:42
Date of submission: 2021-07-01 18:14:52


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