Post-Galician Lessons: Why Travel to Lviv in the 21st Century

Magdalena Baran-Szoltys


The article explores Lviv and Galicia as cultural and memory landscapes, examining the narratives constructed by travelers from 2000 to just after the start of the 2014 war. It delves into the multilayered identities of Galicia, shaped by diverse national narratives. Emphasizing Galicia as an archive, the study uses memory theories and spatial concepts, illustrating the ongoing engagement with historical images during post-Galician journeys. Historical and contemporary travel reports are examined, revealing the evolving perceptions of Galicia. National narratives, including Polish, Ukrainian, German, Jewish and international perspectives, contribute to a nuanced understanding of Lviv's significance in the 21st century.


Galicia; Lviv; archive; travels; travel accounts; Ukraine; Poland

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Date of publication: 2024-04-12 14:48:53
Date of submission: 2024-01-29 18:45:16


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