The War as it could have been like

Paul Bleton


This paper intends to identify a representation of France at war related neither to gung-ho fiction nor to testimonial fiction in the French war novel of the first half of the 20th century. The vein of the War-as- itcould-be will be characterized by its historical span (dating back to before WW1 and lasting long after WW2), its generic forms (future wars, espionage, melodrama...) and its ideological ambivalence (secret concerns over the French soldier’s frailty and the Army’s ability to adequately defend the country).


French war novel; 1900-1939; future wars; espionage; melodrama; ideological ambivalence


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Date of publication: 2016-01-04 11:13:48
Date of submission: 2015-12-21 10:35:55


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