Mediatisation of film discourse on the example of Pawel Pawlikowski's 'Cold War' (2018) - results of own research

Joanna Najbor


Sent the issue of mediatization of film discourse in the context of national branding and to define the role of cinematography in the process of creating a nation brand. The aim of the author was to investigate the forms of promoting cinema abroad and prove that properly organized promotion can be an effective tool for creating a national brand of cinematography. The research area concerned mainly mediatized film criticism and methods of promoting Polish films abroad, and the research tools used were developed on the basis of structured and available data on the Internet. The article presents an analysis of foreign reviews of Cold War by Paweł Pawlikowski and the position of this film on the most popular foreign portals gathering international criticism, such as Rotten Tomatoes and AlloCiné. The results made it possible to learn the opinions of critics and viewers about this film, constituting a starting point for considerations on the functioning of Polish films in the global circulation and the role of Polish cinematography.


Mediatization of film discourse; national branding; Pawlikowski; Polish cinematography

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Date of publication: 2022-06-07 09:57:12
Date of submission: 2021-11-15 23:00:04


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