Media logics and news journalism

Ewa Nowak-Teter, Jan Pleszczyński


The logics of modern media, understood as different sets of rules for their functioning, not only translate into journalistic practises but also play a fundamental role in the processes of media knowledge production. Depending on the type of media, logic: mass media, new media or social media, the consequences of its application for the mental infosphere may vary. To characterise the logics of contemporary media in the context of news journalism, we offer a review article with elements of theoretical contribution. Because of the pressures that media logics put on contemporary journalistic practises, we take a critical perspective. We weave a philosophical background into the media studies approach, referring to social epistemology and ethics. This allows us to broaden the perspective from which we look at contemporary news journalism. Our conclusions encompass three main findings: the concepts of mediatization and media logic are mutually supportive and complementary in a sense; there is a kind of conceptual gap between the logic of mass media and the logic of social media (new media logic); the principles of media logics invade the infosphere, causing an epistemological shift.


media logic, news journalism; epistemology, ethics, social media

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Date of publication: 2023-05-01 22:36:24
Date of submission: 2022-12-28 11:34:07


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