Mediatization of (Im)mobility Experiences: New Media Use of (Im)mobile Groups

Sander Salvet, Anu Masso


Theoretical literature and ethnographic studies suggest that individual spatial (im)mobility and new media use are becoming increasingly interlaced through mediatization. In this article, we tested this assumption quantitatively, by examining possible associations between media use and emigration wishes which we interpreted as an indicator of spatial (im)mobility potential. Analysis of data collected in autumn 2014 in Estonia via a representative survey (n = 1,503), enabled the following research questions to be answered: 1) How have the emigration wishes of estonia’s population changed over time, in regard to mediatization? 2) What kind of media use patterns describe individuals with different emigration wishes? the results showed that, compared to earlier surveys, the (im)mobility potential of the general population had not considerably changed. The mobility potential was indeed interlaced with more active and versatile use of new media, and immobility potential with less active and diverse use of new media. Yet, these associations could be explained by generational differences, as younger respondents prefer to emigrate and use new media, while older respondents wish to stay in the country of origin and follow traditional media.


mediatization; social transformation; (im)mobility; communication geography; social media use; emigration wishes

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Date of publication: 2019-10-16 16:31:01
Date of submission: 2018-10-31 22:27:51


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