The Zoom Interference Model of New Media. A Metaphor-Based Dynamic Approach in the Jungle of Concepts

Katalin Fehér


The purpose of this paper is to establish an experimental model of new media using theoretical approach. After investigating numerous interpretations of new media, the paper offers a metaphor-based framework to guide you in the jungle of concepts. According to the hypothesis, the metaphor of interference supports the development of a theoretical model including the concepts of crossmedia, transmedia and intermedia. Therefore, the zooming interference model and its illustrating case studies are going to be available to interpret the dimensions of new media also with a visualized version. The model supports a dynamic approach to academic discussions and a software development to study the changing new media.


zoom interference model; new media; atomic media; intermedia; crossmedia; transmedia

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Date of publication: 2019-10-16 16:31:00
Date of submission: 2019-02-03 19:28:02


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